29 December 2006

Cordata Taxonomy

Cordata Taxonomy From Wikipedia (exitinct branches of the taxonomy suppressed), some information from links to the link above:

Phylum Chordata

-Subphylum Urochordata - Tunicates (tadpole like in youth, adults are fixed to a single location)
--Class Ascidiacea (Aplousobranchia, Phlebobranchia, and Stolidobranchia),
--Class Thaliacea,
--Class Appendicularia (Larvacea)
--Class Sorberacea.
[Newer evidence indicates that the Ascidiacea is an artificial group. The new classification would then look like this.]
-- Class Stolidobranchia,
-- Class Phlebobranchia and Thaliacea,
-- Class Aplousobranchia and Appendicularia,
-- Class Sorberacea would belong somewhere in Ascidiacea, or be in a taxon on its own

-Subphylum Cephalochordata - Lancelets (minnow sized sand worm like creatures)
Other sources show that there are up to thirty species.
--Family Asymmetronidæ (3 species in 2 genus)
--Family Branchiostomidæ (8 species in 1 genus)

-Subphylum Vertebrata (Vertebrates - animals with backbones)

--Infraphylum Agnatha (jawless vertebrates) (91 species)
---Class Myxini or Hyperotreti (hagfish) (50 species in 7 genus)
---Class Hyperoartia (Lampreys)
----One Class Cephalaspidomorphi, Order Petromyzontiformes and Family Petromyzontidae
-----Subfamily Geotriinae (1 species in 1 genus)
-----Subfamily Mordaciinae (3 species in 1 genus)
-----Subfamily Petromyzontinae (37 species in 7 genus)

-Infraphylum Gnathostomata (jawed vertebrates)

--Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish)
---Subclass Elasmobranchii (sharks, rays and skates)
----Superorder Batoidea (rays and skates)
----- Order Rajiformes (common rays and skates)
------ Family Anacanthobatidae (smooth skates)
------ Family Dasyatidae (stingrays).
------ Family Gymnuridae (butterfly rays)
------ Family Hexatrygonidae (sixgill stingrays)
------ Family Myliobatidae (eagle rays).
------ Family Plesiobatidae (deepwater stingrays)
------ Family Potamotrygonidae (river stingrays)
------ Family Rajidae (skates)
------ Family Rhinobatidae (guitarfishes).
------ Family Urolophidae (round rays)
----- Order Pristiformes (Sawfishes) (7 species in 2 genus)
----- Order Torpediniformes (electric rays) (69 species in 4 families)
----Superorder Selachimorpha (sharks)
----- Order Hexanchiformes
------ Family Chlamydoselachidae (1 species in 1 genus)
------ Family Hexanchidae (4 species in 3 genus)
----- Order Squaliformes (More than 80 species)
------ Family Echinorhinidae (bramble sharks) (2 genus, at least 3 species)
------ Family Centrophoridae (gulper sharks) (2 genus, 15 species)
------ Family Dalatiidae (sleeper sharks) (4 subfamilies, 17 genus)
------ Family Squalidae (dogfish sharks) (2 genus, 17 speciees)
----- Order Pristiophoriformes One family, 2 genus, 9 species.
----- Order Squatiniformes (angel sharks) One family, 1 genus, 19 species.
----- Order Heterodontiformes (horn sharks) One family, 1 genus, 10 species.
----- Order Orectolobiformes (carpet sharks) Seven families.
------Order Carcharhiniformes (ground sharks) Eight families and almost 200 species.
----- Order Lamniformes (Marckerel sharks)
-------Family Alopiidae (thresher sharks) (4 species)
-------Family Cetorhinidae (basking shark) (1 species)
-------Family Lamnidae (mackerel sharks) (3 genus with a total of 5 species)
-------Family Megachasmidae (megamouth shark) (1 species)
-------Family Mitsukurinidae (goblin shark) (1 species)
-------Family Carchariidae (sand tigers) (2 species)
-------Family Odontaspididae (Raggedtooths) (2 species)
-------Family Pseudicarchariidae (crocodile shark) (1 species)
---Subclass Holocephali (chimaera aka ghost sharks)
-------Family Callorhinchidae (3 species in 1 genus)
-------Family Chimaeridae (29 species in 2 genus)
-------Family Rhinochimaeridae (9 species in 2 genus)

-Superclass Osteichthyes (bony fishes)
--Class Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish) (27,000 species)
---Subclass Chondrostei
------Order Polypteriformes, including the bichirs and reedfishes
------Order Acipenseriformes, including the sturgeons and paddlefishes
---Subclass Neopterygii
----Infraclass Holostei
------Order Lepisosteiformes, the gars
------Order Amiiformes, the bowfins
----Infraclass Teleostei
-----Superorder Osteoglossomorpha
------Order Osteoglossiformes, the bony-tongued fishes
------Order Hiodontiformes, including the mooneye and goldeye
-----Superorder Elopomorpha
------Order Elopiformes, including the ladyfishes and tarpon
------Order Albuliformes, the bonefishes
------Order Notacanthiformes, including the halosaurs and spiny eels
------Order Anguilliformes, the true eels and gulpers
------Order Saccopharyngiformes, including the gulper eel
-----Superorder Clupeomorpha
------Order Clupeiformes, including herrings and anchovies
-----Superorder Ostariophysi
------Order Gonorynchiformes, including the milkfishes
------Order Cypriniformes, including barbs, carp, danios, goldfishes, loaches, minnows, rasboras
------Order Characiformes, including characins, pencilfishes, hatchetfishes, piranhas, tetras.
------Order Gymnotiformes, including electric eels and knifefishes
------Order Siluriformes, the catfishes
-----Superorder Protacanthopterygii
------Order Salmoniformes, including salmon and trout
------Order Esociformes the pike
------Order Osmeriformes, including the smelts and galaxiids
-----Superorder Stenopterygii
------Order Ateleopodiformes, the jellynose fish
------Order Stomiiformes, including the bristlemouths and marine hatchetfishes
-----Superorder Cyclosquamata
------Order Aulopiformes, including the Bombay duck and lancetfishes
-----Superorder Scopelomorpha
------Order Myctophiformes, including the lanternfishes
-----Superorder Lampridiomorpha
------Order Lampriformes, including the oarfish, opah and ribbonfishes
-----Superorder Polymyxiomorpha
------Order Polymixiiformes, the beardfishes
-----Superorder Paracanthopterygii
------Order Percopsiformes, including the cavefishes and trout-perches
------Order Batrachoidiformes, the toadfishes
------Order Lophiiformes, including the anglerfishes
------Order Gadiformes, including cods
------Order Ophidiiformes, including the pearlfishes
-----Superorder Acanthopterygii
------Order Mugiliformes, the mullets
------Order Atheriniformes, including silversides and rainbowfishes
------Order Beloniformes, including the flyingfishes
------Order Cetomimiformes, the whalefishes
------Order Cyprinodontiformes, including livebearers, killifishes
------Order Stephanoberyciformes, including the ridgeheads
------Order Beryciformes, including the fangtooths and pineconefishes
------Order Zeiformes, including the dories
------Order Gobiesociformes, the clingfishes
------Order Gasterosteiformes including sticklebacks, pipefishes, seahorses
------Order Syngnathiformes, including the seahorses and pipefishes
------Order Synbranchiformes, including the swamp eels
------Order Tetraodontiformes, including the filefishes and pufferfish
------Order Pleuronectiformes, the flatfishes
------Order Scorpaeniformes, including scorpionfishes and the weaver fish
------Order Perciformes 40% of all fish including anabantids, bass, cichlids, gobies, gouramis, mackerel, perches, scats, whiting, wrasses

--Class Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fish)
---Coelacanths (1 subclass, 1 order, 1 family, 1 genus, 2 species)
---Subclass Dipnoi (Lungfish) (6 species)
-----Order Ceratodontiformes (1 family, 1 genus, 1 species)
-----Order Lepidosireniformes
-------Family Lepidosirenidae - South American lungfish (1 species)
-------Family Protopteridae - African lungfish (4 species)

-Superclass Tetrapoda (four-legged vertebrates)

--Class Amphibia (amphibians)
---Subclass Lissamphibia (frogs, salamanders, etc)
----Superorder Salientia
-----Order Anura (frogs and toads) 5,296 species
------Suborder Archaeobatrachia, which includes 28 species of primitive frogs
-------Family Ascaphidae
-------Family Bombinatoridae
-------Family Discoglossidae
-------Family Leiopelmatidae
------Suborder Mesobatrachia, which includes 6 families of more evolutionary intermediate frogs, 20 genera and 168 species
------Suborder Neobatrachia, 24 families of "modern" frogs, 5000 species (96% of frogs)
-------Family Allophrynidae
-------Family Arthroleptidae
-------Family Astylosternidae
-------Family Brachycephalidae
-------Family Bufonidae
-------Family Centrolenidae
-------Family Dendrobatidae
-------Family Heleophrynidae
-------Family Hemisotidae
-------Family Hylidae 800 species
-------Family Hyperoliidae
-------Family Leptodactylidae 1100 species
-------Family Limnodynastidae
-------Family Mantellidae
-------Family Microhylidae
-------Family Myobatrachidae
-------Family Nasikabatrachidae
-------Family Petropedetidae
-------Family Ranidae 750 species
-------Family Rhacophoridae
-------Family Rheobatrachidae
-------Family Rhinodermatidae
-------Family Sooglossidae
-----Order Caudata or Urodela (salamanders): 555 species
------Suborder Cryptobranchoidea (Giant salamanders)
-------Family Cryptobranchoidea (Giant salamanders)
-------Family Hynobiidae (Asiatic salamanders)
------Suborder Salamandroidea (Advanced salamanders)
-------Family Ambystomatidae (mole salamanders)
-------Family Amphiumidae (Congo eels)
-------Family Dicamptodontidae (Pacific giant salamanders)
-------Family Plethodontidae (lungless salamanders)
-------Family Proteidae (mudpuppies)
-------Family Rhyacotritonidae (torrent salamanders)
-------Family Salamandridae (true salamanders)
------Suborder Sirenoidea (Sirens)
-------Family Sirenidae
-----Order Gymnophiona or Apoda (caecilians --legless): 171 species
-------Family Beaked Caecilians (Rhinatrematidae) - 2 genera, 9 species
-------Family Fish Caecilians (Ichthyophiidae) - 2 genera, 39 species
-------Family Indian Caecilians (Uraeotyphlidae) - 1 genus, 5 species
-------Family Tropical Caecilians (Scolecomorphidae) - 2 genera, 6 species
-------Family Aquatic Caecilians (Typhlonectidae) - 5 genera, 13 species
-------Family Common Caecilians (Caeciliidae) - 26 genera, 99 species

-Series Amniota (amniotic egg)

--Class Sauropsida - (reptiles)
---Subclass Anapsida (= Parareptilia)
----Order Testudines (turtles) 300 species
-----Suborder Cryptodira
-------Family Chelydridae (Snapping Turtles)
------Superfamily Testudinoidae
-------Family Testudinidae (Tortoises)
-------Family Geoemydidae (Asian River Turtles, Leaf and Roofed Turtles, Asian Box Turtles)
-------Family Emydidae (Pond Turtles/Box and Water Turtles)
------Superfamily Trionychoidae
-------Family Carettochelyidae (Pignose Turtles)
-------Family Trionychidae (Softshell Turtles)
------Superfamily Kinosternoidae
-------Family Dermatemydidae (River Turtles)
-------Family Kinosternidae (Mud and Musk Turtles)
-------Family Platysternidae (Big-headed Turtles)
------Superfamily Chelonioidae (Sea Turtles)
-------Family Cheloniidae (Green Sea Turtles and relatives)
-------Family Dermochelyidae (Leatherback Turtles)
-----Suborder Pleurodira
-------Family Chelidae (Austro-American Sideneck Turtles)
------Superfamily Pelomedusoidae
-------Family Pelomedusidae (Afro-American Sideneck Turtles)
-------Family Podocnemididae (Madagascan Big-headed and American Sideneck River Turtles)
---Superorder Lepidosauria
----Order Sphenodontida (tuatara) (1 family, 1 genus, 2 species)
----Order Squamata (lizards and snakes)
-----Suborder Iguania (the iguanas and chameleons)
-----Suborder Scleroglossa
------Infraorder Gekkota (the geckos)
-------Subfamily Diplodactylinae
-------Subfamily Eublepharinae
-------Subfamily Gekkoninae
-------Subfamily Aeluroscalabotinae
-------Subfamily Teratoscincinae
------Infraorder Anguimorpha (the monitors, goannas, Komodo dragon, Gila monster, and slow-worms)
------Infraorder Scincomorpha (skinks and common European lizards)
------Infraorder Serpentes (the snakes)
-------Family Elapids - cobras, king cobras, kraits, mambas, Australian copperheads, and coral snakes.
-------Family Viperids - vipers, rattlesnakes, copperheads/cottonmouths, adders and bushmasters.
-------Family Colubrids - boomslangs, tree snakes, vine snakes, mangrove snakes, and many others, though not all colubrids are venomous.
-------Family Hydrophiidae - sea snakes
------Infraorder Amphisbaenia (worm lizards)
-------Family Amphisbaenidae
-------Family Trogonophidae
-------Family Bipedidae (1 genus, 3 species, only in Mexico)
-Infraclass Archosauromorpha (23 species)
---Superorder Crocodylomorpha
----Order Crocodylia (crocodiles and relatives)
-----Superfamily Gavialoidea
-------Family Gavialidae - Gharials & False Gharials (2 genus, 2 species)
-----Superfamily Alligatoroidea
-------Family Alligatoridae
--------Subfamily Alligatorinae - Alligators (1 genus, 2 species)
--------Subfamily Caimaninae - Caimans (3 genus, 6 species)
-----Superfamily Crocodyloidea
-------Family Crocodylidae
--------Subfamily Crocodylinae - Crocodiles (2 genus, 13 species)
--Class Aves (birds) 8,800–10,200 species
--- Superorder Paleognathae ("old jaws") (60 species)
----- Order Struthioniformes (flightless)
-------Family Struthionidae (ostriches) (1 species)
-------Family Rheidae (rheas) (2 species)
-------Family Casuariidae (emus etc.) (2 genus, 4 species)
-------Family Apterygidae (kiwis) (6 species)
----- Order Tinamiformes (primative flying) (1 family, 9 genus, 47 species) (Latin America only)
--- Superorder Neognathae
----- Order Anseriformes, waterfowl
----- Order Galliformes, fowl
----- Order Gaviiformes, loons
----- Order Podicipediformes, grebes
----- Order Procellariiformes, albatrosses, petrels, and allies
----- Order Sphenisciformes, penguins
----- Order Pelecaniformes, pelicans and allies
----- Order Ciconiiformes, storks and allies
----- Order Phoenicopteriformes, flamingos
----- Order Falconiformes, falcons, eagles, hawks and allies
----- Order Gruiformes, cranes and allies
----- Order Charadriiformes, gulls, button-quail, plovers and allies
----- Order Pteroclidiformes, sandgrouse
----- Order Columbiformes, doves and pigeons
----- Order Psittaciformes, parrots and allies
----- Order Cuculiformes, cuckoos, turacos, hoatzin
----- Order Strigiformes, owls
----- Order Caprimulgiformes, nightjars and allies
----- Order Apodiformes, swifts and hummingbirds
----- Order Coraciiformes, kingfishers
----- Order Piciformes, woodpeckers and allies
----- Order Trogoniformes, trogons
----- Order Coliiformes, mousebirds
----- Order Passeriformes, passerines
--Class Mammalia (mammals) (see separate post).

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